March 11, 2011
der gehorsam den man den oberen leistet wird gott erwiesen
der tiefste sitz der krankheit unserer kultur
if you want to solve a problem first you have to be honest
with the palm of the martyr god gives hitler the laurels of victory
never before in the course of the world's history had such a society appeared
never had the carrying out of a greater idea been considered with greater understanding
it's the greatest intelligence gathering system that the world has ever seen
the jesuit index of tibetan books
truth opens and unites our minds in the lógos of love
all we need is the right major crisis
the best way to control the opposition is to be the opposition
it takes a tremendous amount of energy to reduce concrete to below-red-blood-cell proportions
a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military diplomatic intelligence economic scientific
and political operations
what does a mid-level or low-level player in an ultimately corrupt game do when he
military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns
germany must become the sword of the catholic church
if we are going into war then all of us go not just some
obama's white papal masters
i see all countries are passing gestapo style anti-terrorism laws
a spectre is haunting europe the spectre of
the jesuit leadership has been quite happy to portray the conspiracy as jewish-led
georg sans a german-born professor of the history of contemporary philosophy
no message is more important and critical than the exposure of the jesuits
send us such a man and be he god or the devil we will receive him
symbols are extraordinarily important in world affairs
mystery is the very heart of roman catholicism
mary immaculate, patroness of the united states
the harmony between priesthood and empire is the normal order
the catholic church is right at the top of the pyramid
die einzige kriegstreibende kraft in europa seit über 1200 jahren ist einzig und allein
and practiced satanic torture never before known in this century
former soviet dissident warns for eu dictatorship
the united states helped carry out a vatican plot
it is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the illuminati and the principles of jacobinism
the 1778 vatican edict has never been withdrawn, apologized for or modified
in the late 1860s, a group of men got together and incorporated a privately owned company
the biggest organized crime inflicted on the population of this earth
let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks
a mythomaniac is a guy who gets a lot of ego gratification out of telling a fantastic story
dort, wo die kultur vom kultus, von der gottesverehrung abgekoppelt wird
understanding the ruling group-mind behind the war without end
the object of uniformity among so great a number of persons
if you trace up masonry through all its orders
karrieristen und freimaurer wo man nur hinschaut im vatikan
eine computer-festplatte dürfe kein raum sein wo ein terrorist
es gehe um strukturen für eine menschliche marktwirtschaft
their diabolical character was charted on the axes of space and time
as for the jews i am just carrying on with the same policy which
there has never been anything more grandiose on the earth
i am now as before a catholic and will always remain so
the self-appointed t-rex of political talk
watch closely the movie a scanner darkly alex jones appears in it exactly as he is
he doesn't have the debating expertise or intelligence or lateral thinking enough
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